Friday 19 July 2019

somo la 11: Introducing oneself and others

Introducing oneself and others (kujitambulisha na kutambulisha wengine)

Frazer meets John at Julius Nyerere International Airpot for the first time (Frazer anakutana na John katika uwanja wa ndege wa Mwalimu Nyerere kwa mara ya kwanza)

John:    Habari yako? (how are you)
Frazer: Salama, wewe je? (fine, and you?)
John:    Sijambo. Karibu Tanzania. (I`m fine. Welcome to Tanzania)
Frazer:  Asante sana. (thanks very much)
John:    Karibu. Jina langu ni John, wewe je? (You are welcome.                   My name is John, and you?)
Frazer:  Asante. Jina langu ni Frazer. (Thanks. I`m Frazer)
John:    Unamiaka mingapi (how old are you?)
Frazer: Ninamiaka arobaini, wewe je (I`m 40 years old, and you)
John:    Mimi ninamiaka thelathini (I`m 30 years old)
John:    Umetoka nchi gani? (In which country are you coming                    from?)
Frazer: Nimetoka Norway. (I`m from Norway)
John:    Sawa. Utakaa Tanzania kwa muda gani? (for how long will              you stay in Tanzania?)
Frazer: Nitakaa hapa miezi miwili (I will stay here for two months)
John:    Unatarajia kuembelea eneo gani? (which area are you                       expecting to pay a visit?)
Frazer: Nitatembelea hifadhi ya taifa ya wanyama, MIKUMI,                      SERENGETI, NGORONGORO na RUAHA. (I will go to                MIKUMI, SERENGETI and NGORONGORO national                    parks. 
Jihn:    Vizuri sana. Ni jambo zuri. (Very good. It is a great thing)
Frazer: Asante (Thanks)
John;    Nimefurahi kukutana na wewe (I`m happy  to meet you)
Frazer: Mimi pia (Me too)
John:   Sawa, tutaonana baadaye. (ok, we shall meet later)
Frazer: Sawa bwana John (Ok Mr. John)
John:   Kwa heri rafiki (Goodbye frind)
Frazer: Haya, kwa heri. (ok, goodbye) 

Frazer anamtembelea John na familia yake (Frazer visits John and his family)
Frazer: Hodi! (hello) (like nocking the door)
John:    Karibu sana Frazer (You`re warmly welcome Frazer)
Frazer: Asante, habari yako? (Thanks, how are you?)
John:   Salama, wewe je? (Fine, and you?)
Frazer: Nzuri tu (it is just fine)
john:    Karibu ndani (welcome in)
Frazer: Asante (thanks)
John:    Tafadhali, ukae (please, have a seat)
Frazer:  Ubarikiwe (be blessed) (Frazer sees many people in there)
John:    Hii ni familia yangu (this is my family)
Frazer: ninafurahi kuifahamu (i`m happy to know)
John:   Huyu ni mke wangu, na hawa ni watoto wangu (This is my              wife, and those are my children)

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