Sunday 19 May 2019

Lesson 7: Introducing family members in Swahili

First, I would like to give you some of the names for family members as the Swahili culture is concerned (Tanzania);

  1. Babu - Grandfather 
  2. Bibi - Grandmother
  3. Baba - father 
  4. mama - mother 
  5. shangazi - aunt
  6. mjomba - uncle 
  7. binamu - cousin 
  8. mtoto/watoto - child/children 
  9. mjukuu/wajukuu - grandchild/grandchildren
  10. shemeji - brother/sister-in-law
  11. kaka - brother
  12. dada - sister 
  13. mke - wife
  14. mume - husband 
  15. mchumba - fiance 
  16. kitukuu - a child of a grandson/granddaughter 
  Example of use;
Mimi ninaitwa Jacob. Baba yangu anaitwa Bakari na mama yangu anaitwa Asha. Jana babu alinipigia simu na akanipa taarifa kuwa bibi yangu anaumwa. Kwahiyo, kesho tutaenda kuwatembelea. Nitafurahi sana kuwaona bibi na babu yangu. 

I'm Jacob. My father`s name is Bakari and that of my mother is Asha. Yesterday my grandfather called informing me that my grandmother is sick. therefore, tomorrow we`re going to visit them. I will be happy to see my grandmother and grandfather. 

NB: There is a huge difference between Kiswahili and English when addressing some of the family members names. For instance;

     Kiswahili                                             English
  1. Baba mdogo                                        uncle
  2. baba mkubwa                                      uncle
  3. mjomba                                               uncle
  4. mama mdogo                                      aunt 
  5. mama mkubwa                                   aunt
  6. shangazi                                             aunt
Baba mdogo is the uncle, who is the young brother of my father. baba mkubwa is the uncle, who is the elder brother of my father. mjomba is the brother of my mother. mama mdogo is the young sister of my mother. mama mkubwa is the elder sister of my mother. shangazi is the sister of my father.

Shemeji is used for both sister-in-law and brother-in-law. Also, binamu is used for both male and female cousins.

NB: Unlike Tanzania, in Kenya they do mostly use Bibi to mean a wife while in Tanzania it is mostly used to mean grandmother.

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1 comment:


SWAHILI SYLLABLE SOUNDS The following is a list of the syllables made up of one and/or two consonants and vowels. Also, I have provided one...