Monday 10 June 2019

Hotel Swahili Vocabulary

mhudumu - waiter
wali - rice
chakula - food
maji - water
chipsi - chips
ndizi - banana
sukari - sugar 
shilingi - shilings 
nyama - meat
viazi mviringo - irish potatoes
viazi vitamu - sweet potatoes 
mihogo - cassavas 
ugali - ugali 
pesa/hela/fedha - money
samaki - fish
chai - tea
chai ya maziwa - milk tea
chai ya rangi - black tea in clour, made up of tea leaves 
maziwa - milk
sharubati - juice 
matunda - fruits
bia - beer
mkate - bread
kiti - chair
kijiko - spoon 
sahani - plate
kikombe - cup
ngapi - how many?
shilingi ngapi -how much shilings?
bei gani - what is the price/how much
nyama ya ng`ombe - beef
nyama ya nguruwe - pork
nyama ya kuku - chicken (meat)
nyama ya mbuzi - goat meat
chenji - change/balance
subiri chenji - wait for change/balance
karibu - welcome
karibu tena - welcome again
chakula kitamu - the food is delicious 
bila sukari - without sugar
ongeza - add more
punguza - reduce /make it litle
nini - what
ninataka - i want
tunataka - we want
na - and 
tunataka wali na nyama ya ng`ombe - we want rice and beef
haraka - fast/harry 
ninaharaka - i`m in harry 
tunaharaka - we are in hurry
harakisha - hurry up
moto - fire
ya moto - it is hot
chai ya moto - hot tea
chakula cha moto - hot food
kula - eat/eating
ninakula - I`m eating
tunakula - we`re eating 
mnakula - you are eating (many)
unakula - you are eating (single person)
nimeshiba - I am full
tumeshiba - we are full
umeshiba - you are full (1 person)
ameshiba - He/she is full
kunywa - drink
ninakunywa maji - i`m drinking some water
koroga - stir (relating to liquid) 
changanya - mix (anything, might be liquid, gaseous or solid)
pilipili - pepper
nyanya - tomatoes
parachichi - avocado
embe - mango
chungwa - orange
kitunguu - onion 
mboga za majani - green vegetables
andazi - bun
chapati - chapati 
jumla - total 
ni - is
jumla ni shilingi ngapi - how much shillings in total
jumla ni bei gani - how much in total
hapana - no
ninapenda - i like
sipendi - i don`t like
ninakula - I am eating
sili - I am not eating
supu - soup
niletee supu na chapati - bring me soup and chapati
ninaondoka - i am leaving
ondoka - leave
nitarudi - i will be back

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